How Do I Get Out of My Own Way

by Joya Dass My business coach Dan Paulson asked me to write a few lines on how do I get out of my own way as an entrepreneur. This is a good question, because I would wager that I am my own worst enemy sometimes. I grew up with parents who were super hard on … Continue reading "How Do I Get Out of My Own Way"

How do I trust my Co-Founder again after he drops the ball on an important meeting?

Occasionally my readers will send me requests for topics they would like to see me write about on my blog. The following is a question from a reader.     Dear Tara,  My company is going through a rapid growth phase and I had to delegate an important meeting to my because I couldn’t be … Continue reading "How do I trust my Co-Founder again after he drops the ball on an important meeting?"

What You Need To Know When Making An Important Decision

By Tara Rae Bradford Here are 5 steps you should go through before making any important decisions so you can avoid regretting your decision later and you can try to avoid learning things 'the hard way'.   Antonio Damasio is seen here during his TEDtalk on The Quest to Understand Consciousness(Photo Credit: TED) As much as … Continue reading "What You Need To Know When Making An Important Decision"