A Laundry List to Accomplish Through Five Steps

In a recent client meeting we were reviewing the business numbers and talking about the next steps for the growth of the operation when the subject of incentives came up. During our talk, the owner asked if the incentive package could be repeatable in another company. My answer: it depends. This led to an in … Continue reading “A Laundry List to Accomplish Through Five Steps”

The Impact of September 11

The events of a decade ago continue to influence us today. Can we apply our resolve to the current challenges we face?

Short Week Equals Short on Writing. So Here’s an Article From a Friend.

Believe it or not I took the holiday weekend off and spent time with family.  Now with the short week I have been playing catch up on work so until my posts start again tomorrow, I invite you to view an article from a friend and colleague of mine. John Ingrisano is a fellow consultant … Continue reading “Short Week Equals Short on Writing. So Here’s an Article From a Friend.”

What a Three Year Old Can Teach Us About Business

Three year olds may know more about business than we think. Many innovative and growing companies apply these traits to their business culture. How might understanding the mind of a three year old help your business?

When is OK No Longer OK?

In this country, we seem to be OK with being OK. Is that the best thing to be thinking given our economic condition?

Apple Without Jobs: The Test of Leadership and Culture

Talk was flying across social media yesterday as Steve Jobs announced his resignation as CEO.  Tim Cook, Apples Chief Operating Officer will step in as CEO effective immediately.  While the move was swift and surprised a number of people, it was also to be expected.  Jobs health has been in question for some time.  Now … Continue reading “Apple Without Jobs: The Test of Leadership and Culture”

What Businesses Could Learn From The Best Places To Live

Recently Money Magazine’s “Best Places to Live” article was published.  Coming in at number eight was Middleton, WI which is very close to where I live.  Middleton, and Madison for that matter, are no strangers to being on the list of top places to live.  Both cities have continually received high marks for their quality … Continue reading “What Businesses Could Learn From The Best Places To Live”

It’s True: If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, Then Any Road Will Get You There

The HP Touchpad has been out about a month and it is already done.  In fact, I just saw an ad for it this morning which makes it ironic that HP would be discontinuing it so soon.  In fact, it looks like HP is giving up hardware entirely to focus on software and cloud technology … Continue reading “It’s True: If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, Then Any Road Will Get You There”